Selama bulan Mei, Ziliun membawa tema Education, yang tujuannya mengupas gimana seharusnya pendidikan yang baik dan benar, dan apa output sebenarnya dari pendidikan. Dari berbagai wawancara dengan praktisi dan aktivis pendidikan, ditambah berbagai sumber yang membawa pemikiran dan ide progresif mengenai pendidikan, Ziliun mempersembahkan sebuah manifesto bertajuk “Rethinking Education” yang mensintesa 12 poin penting dalam pendidikan masa kini.
1. Education ≠ schooling.
2. School gets you a job. Education gives you self-fulfillment.
3. School needs classes. Education is everywhere.
4. The best school is the school of life.
5. Good education teaches students to be happy.
6. Education should be enlightening, not directing.
7. Education should not alienate us from our natural talent.
8. Learning = playing, if only everyone follows what makes them curious.
9. The best learning is the one that allows you to fail.
10. We have no idea how will the world be in 5 years, so creativity is important as literacy.
11. Doctors and lawyers are not the only great professions out there.
12. Don’t be well-educated. Be a lifelong learner.
May this manifesto be embedded in our education system, soon!
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