“Have you ever been afraid of what people might think about a decision you have to make? A decision that could potentially be very unpopular.” – Erika Napoletano.
Namanya juga anak muda, masih suka krisis identitas, dan labil sama keputusan yang diambil. Apalagi, society gak berhenti kejam nge-judge semua gerak-gerik lo #ceilah. Mau bikin startup atau kerja di startup, dikatain gak realistis karena ngebuang kesempatan kerja di korporat. Mau bikin karya yang bagus dan menciptakan dampak, dikatain bego karena gak ngikutin selera pasar.
Video TEDTalk dari Erika Napoletano ini bakal bikin lo sadar, kalau it’s okay to be unpopular alias gak apa-apa kalau lo mengambil keputusan yang di mata masyarakat umum itu “aneh” atau “gak biasa” atau “norak” atau “bodoh” atau “gak realistis” atau “sok idealis” (banyaklah ya sebutannya). Kalau kata si Erika Napoletano sih gini:
See, we spend our lives trying to build ourselves
into something that other people think that we should be,
when, in fact, we should be spending our time
trying to actively polarize our audience.
Give them tools to help them know whether or not
they should love us, and give it early and give it often.
Because that’s when we stop wasting time,
both ours and everyone else’s.
Nonton videonya di sini ya:
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Header image credit: soberidentity.com